– Hunter Testimonials –
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Mr. Eberhart,
Earlier this year I ordered your books and DVD’s and began bowhunting out of the frustration of not seeing many deer last firearms season. I’ve hunted deer most of my life, typically over bait piles sitting inside of a heated hunting shack. After revieweing your information, I learned a lot about whitetail behavior that I never learned before and would have taken many years of hunting to possibly acquire through observation. Thanks again for the great products, Charlie Bartley |
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John and Chris
I took this buck the second day of season. I felt like the main character in Avatar when he shot his first animal and his girlfriend said that he had a made a good clean shot and he was ready. This is only my third year with a recurve and I’ve had the privilege of shooting several does, 2 eight points and a nine pointer. I thank my good friend Chad for getting me into this wonderful way of life and most of all John & Chris Eberhart for sharing with me, the wonderful knowledge they’ve accumulated and put in their books and video DVD series. Bryan George – Traditional Equipment |
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The methods in your books really work! I finally connected on my biggest deer to date this evening as he came walking out at 25 yards with about 5 minutes left of legal shooting time. I drew back and connected on the quartering away shot on public land in the Maine woods, and the kicker, it was during gun season with a bow. Thanks for writing those informative books and putting out the videos-they have helped me tremendously!!! -Stan Skolfield |
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John and Chris
I just wanted to thank you guys for writing a book without a hidden agenda. I read the book “Precision Bowhunting” and using your practices in the finding access chapter I was able to obtain permission within 10 minutes of my home and finally connected on 2 bucks during the same hunt. In my opinion “Precision Bowhunting” should have been titled the bowhunters bible as I’ve read it multiple times. Thanks again! Josh Osborne |
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Hello John My name is Gary E. Greene and I live in Southern Vermont and primarily hunt on heavily pressured public land and on my dad’s property. I have your three instructional DVD’s on Bowhunting Pressured whitetails and have watched them numerous times the last two years. The photo is of a buck I harvested during the pre-rut on Nov. 3rd.Will you be coming out with any more videos? You do it the right way,, need I say more?Gary E. Greene |
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Dear John,
I live in a heavily pressured area in Pennsylvania and last year I heard about your books and DVD’s for hunting pressured whitetails. Like you, I do not have private land to hunt, therefore I spend most of my time hunting state land or farms that are open to public hunting. I watched all of your DVD’s and after absorbing as much detailed info as possible I decided to try post season scouting. Using your advice I focused on last seasons sign, printing aerial maps and locating bedding, feeding and travel routes on them. From there I was able to locate several sites and focus my brief hunting time on them. As you can see it paid off big time the first year! I was able to catch this 13 point buck traveling from his bedding area into an oak flat staging area prior to entering an exposed crop field after dark. Thanks again, Jason Hrelec |
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Thanks John
I live in Massachusetts and hunt on an island thats less than 80 square miles and I’m convinced these deer are the most pressured deer in the world. After watching your instructional DVD’s over 20 times each and absorbing your wisdom, this year I shot my 2 biggests bucks ever in 14 years of bowhunting. Thanks for KEEPING IT REAL and showing me how to kill even the weariest of bucks. Sincerely, Miles Whyte |
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Dear John,
I have read both of your books and own all 3 of your instructional dvd’s. They are all very informative in explaining exactly what is required to shoot mature bucks in pressured areas. The information from your books and dvds were contributing factors in me putting these two mature bucks on the ground in Michigan. Thanks for helping average hunters like myself take it to the next level! Jeremy Smolka |
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John and Chris
I just wanted to thank you guys again for writing your books and producing your DVDs. This is the second nice buck I’ve taken in the last 5 years in Michigan. I own all your books and before I did I only saw 1 buck over 100 inches in 9 years of hunting. Now I see a couple every year and have been extremely close to shooting a couple more. This buck came in from directly downwind and never winded me because of my strict scent control regiment which I learned through your books. The 80 acre parcel is heavily pressured with about 15 guys hunting it and 4 of them are my family members. Thanks so much as so many of the things you guys preach were instrumental in shooting this deer. I’m still learning but you guys have helped more than anything by taking years off my learning curve. Thanks again |
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Hi John,
I bought both “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” and “Precision Bowhunting” a few years ago and want to show you some results. I shot this buck on 11-09-2012 in a heavily pressured area in Western PA. I’ve hunted with a bow for 35 years and shot numerous bucks with 3 of them being what I consider whoppers. I don’t watch hunting shows, am disgusted at what so-called “hunting professionals” have made of bowhunting. That being said, in complete opposition to the bevy of so-called “professional deer hunting advice” out there, I have found your books to be real, practical, useful and IRREPLACEABLE parts of my hunting equipment that I have read, re-read, outlined, re-read again and compared my observations with after just about every hunt. The books are worn from use and your series of books are the only source that offers a mega load of information useful to the average Joe bow hunter like myself. Many thanks for offering this information. Some of it I knew, most of it I didn’t, and since employing your tactics, I have been more successful and enjoyed deer hunting more than I ever have. Your books have had a big impact on what Im doing out there and what I’m not doing any longer and they have challenged me to be more insightful and thoughtful about how I go about everything. Once in a while a publication comes along that really is truly vital to a bowhunter’s growth. “Howard Hill’s – Hunting the Hard way” is one and your “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” and “Precision Bowhunting” are the others. Great work John, Thanks again! Paul West |
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John Your knowledge of what mature bucks do continues to amaze me. This year I realized that one of the hardest parts of your hunting style is having the patients not to hunt your best spots until the conditions are right, even if you know there’s a giant buck in the area.Attached is the big buck I so patiently waited to hunt for and took him on my first sit in a stand I set up for the rut phases. I cant tell you how much it means when you work so hard for so many years and to finally score on a truly mature buck, and I cannot thank you enough for playing such a huge role in making a dream of mine become a reality.Miles Whyte from the heavily hunted state of Massachusetts |
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Dear John,
I just wanted to thank you again for your informative books and dvds on hunting heavily pressured mature bucks. This 10 point was arrowed on November 11 near Binghamton, New York and was aged at 4 1/2 years and had a 21 inch inside spread. I’ve been bowhunting for 23 years and since reading your books, in the past 3 years I’ve arrowed two of my biggest bucks. Thanks Again, Josh Congdon |
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I contacted you in the past with questions about equipment and technique and your help has been invaluable. Attached is a nice 12pt buck I shot a week ago at 20 yards. I’ve been deer hunting with my bow for about 15 years and had nobody to show me how. I’ve made about every mistake possible but since I’ve used your strategies in the last two years I’ve seen more mature deer than the first 13yrs combined. I am so glad I purchased your books and dvds, they have helped me become a smarter and far more successful hunter. Thanks again. |
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Dear John and Chris
I live in New York state and this was my 5th bow season. Three years ago I picked up your book “Precision Bowhunting” and last year I got your 3 DVD series for Christmas. With the information you present and with the mentorship of my in-laws, I’ve enjoyed hunting success much quicker than I would have otherwise and last night I took my first mature buck. Thanks so much for all the information you put out there on hunting mature deer in pressured areas as I took this buck on a 1500 acre parcel of public land that had at least 10 other hunters on it last night and I couldn’t have done it without help from your books and DVDs. Thank you again and happy hunting! Yours, |
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Mr. Eberhart –
I really enjoy and respect your perspective and methods on bowhunting pressured whitetails. Attached are two bucks I was able to harvest in southeast Pennsylvania in 2011 and 2013. I’ve incorporated your methods into how I approach bowhunting pressured whitetails around here. There is no doubt they played a part in the taking of these two bucks. I just thought you should know that I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and really look forward to your future articles and publications. On a final note, I always love how you qualify that what we see in hunting TV shows and videos is not the real world that most of us hunt in. I couldn’t agree with you more and it always makes me laugh. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving! |
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John and Chris
Just wanted to thank you guys again for your books and DVDs. I was able to take the attached buck on Nov 1st from the ground in a cut path the farmer combined through a cornfield. What pushed me to hunt the cut and do some calling was an article you wrote about hunting and calling deer out of standing corn. I hunt in both Indiana and Michigan and he is my biggest buck so far. Thanks again for keeping it real and sharing what you’ve learned as this is my third big buck since applying your methods and tactics. Thomas Tyson |
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I’ve never had a problem seeing deer but after 14 years of bumbling around, a handful of does, and 15 or so scrubbers on my wall, I was ready to do something different. About a decade ago, I found “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” at Meijer and read it cover to cover. It would be another 3 years before I really started implementing your tactics and I’ll tell you this… All 7 of my biggest bucks where killed in those last 7 seasons and 5 of them were saddle kills. Your strategies and methods work, Period! I didn’t have a dad or uncle to teach me how to hunt so you and your books, in a way, have been my mentor/teacher. Thank you for sharing what you could have easily kept to yourself. There’s no stopping me now and attached is the 9 point I took last season. Thanks to the “Eberhart Way” I’m now a big buck killer! David Ferianc |
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Mr. Eberhart,
I took your advice to a T, and couldn’t have had a better trip! Per your advice, my buddy and I spent the entire first day scouting. It was hard for us to comprehend blowing off the first day of a short term travel hunt and only scout. There was water in almost every swamp we found and on our first morning hunt my buddy shot the attached buck on a small oak island we had to access with waders and it’s his best buck ever. On the 3rd morning hunt I took a 120 inch 9 point which is by far my best buck! Thanks for the great advice – Lazreye |
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Good morning John
Attached is a picture of a buck I took yesterday morning from a stand I had been saving to hunt all year. Since committing to trying to become a consistent harvester of mature bucks and trying to develop more advanced bowhunting skills I follow your advice closely and it has changed the way I hunt and my success. At the end of last season, I committed to a strong 2011 season by (as you say), developing a plan for the area. During post season I prepared a location at a primary scrape area within some mature oaks and committed to saving the location for the rut phases. Last Saturday evening I had a big buck come through grunting while chasing 5 does around and he stopped at the biggest scrape but it was nearly dark so I didn’t shoot. Yesterday I went in (per your advice) for an all day hunt and at daybreak two does moved through and this buck came through behind them and I took him at 5 yards. Since taking your advice from your response to my e-mail, I quit using the earth blend scent eliminating spray on my Scent lok clothing and my scent control has been nearly flawless. All 3 does and the buck I killed passed within 20 yards downwind of my tree and 2 of the does crossed my entrance path and none of them picked up my scent. I think using the carbon lined Scent Lok drop down facemask over my nose and mouth made a big difference as well. Thanks for all your advice and help! Wes Dunn |
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Mr. Eberhart,
I took your advice to a T, and couldn’t have had a better trip! Per your advice, my buddy and I spent the entire first day scouting. It was hard for us to comprehend blowing off the first day of a short term travel hunt and only scout. There was water in almost every swamp we found and on our first morning hunt my buddy shot the attached buck on a small oak island we had to access with waders and it’s his best buck ever. On the 3rd morning hunt I took a 120 inch 9 point which is by far my best buck! Thanks for the great advice – Lazreye |
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Deer John,
I am writing to thank you for your willingness to pass on knowledge that many hunters would keep to themselves. Like your family, my family believes that hunting is a way of life. We also do not hunt any pay to hunt managed properties, hunt clubs etc. I spent my first 10 years being satisfied sitting on a field edge and taking the occasional year and a half old buck. About around the 1999 / 2000 season I started to see less and less deer in my area of southern Jackson County (despite many articles saying different). I started putting the pieces of the puzzle together as you describe in your books and DVDs, but I did not realize that is what I was doing at the time. I moved to thickets and started hunting only scrapes in thick cover only because I got tired of seeing mainly year and a half old bucks in the short crop fields and on the scrapes surrounding them. It was not until I read your book that the pieces of the puzzle came together. I had already been practicing diligent scent control however you have reinforced my belief in carbon clothing and keeping it clean and scent free. The property that I have hunted for 20 years has a ridge with 2 clusters on white oaks between 2 short crop fields. I have hunted this “primary scrape area” for years and over the years I have most likely ran many nice bucks in to nocturnal mode. After reading your books I hunted it Oct 1st and 2nd. The scrapes were only being hit during darkness so I stayed out of the area until around Halloween. I returned to find the scrapes dry so I unscrewed my steps and moved 40 yards to the new active scrape area and killed the 9 point that night. (PIC 1) Hunting from an ambush saddle allowed me to make the change in set up in under a half hour. Last year 2007, I came across a large track on August 10th . I had just acquired permission to hunt the small parcel and was looking to get an early season spot set up quickly. I followed the track through a standing corn field in to a long narrow woods where there were multiple rubs and 2 scrapes. I set up a location and did not return until early October. After hunting the spot 5 times and the scrapes full of leaves now it was the end of October. I pulled my steps on a Saturday morning and headed lengthways through the narrow woodlot about 300 yards away I found 1 very big scrape. I set up a nearby tree and hunted it that evening. No deer. I used a stick to get all the deer tracks out of the scrape and came back the next morning. Once the sun came up I saw his tracks in the dirt from during the night, but nonetheless I hung there until noon. After assuming this buck was nocturnal I took a vacation day on Nov 2nd. I was hanging in my saddle 2 hours before daylight and I heard grunting and cornstalks crashing. I listened to a buck chase a doe past my tree and back in to the corn. He chased her past me 3 times and then chased her in to the woods and everything got quiet. I turned towards the corn and gave a loud vocal bleat. The buck instantly ran past my tree in to the corn and this time he returned shortly after daylight to offer me an eight yard shot. The 10 point (PIC 2) was indeed the deer I had been hunting based on an abnormality located on his right hoof of his right front leg. You have helped me in all aspects of my hunting and made me a more successful while pursuing mature whitetails in a very heavily hunted area. I cannot thank you enough. I have recommended your books, DVDs, and the addition of a tree saddle to many people because I firmly believe that they are all great tools for becoming a successful hunter especially in heavily hunted areas. Thank you very much and Good Hunting, Gary Gillett II Hanover MI. |
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Dear John
I would like to start by saying thank you for so openly sharing your wealth of information and experience about mature bucks with whom ever has the sense to listen. Its very refreshing to hear someone who actually has something useful to say be free with it. I also want to let you know that im not writing this to be on your website-i would just like to let you know how much you have helped me. Im sure that i am no different then anybody else but if i dont tell you then you will never know. I passed on a 1 1/2 buck the first day of archery season (oct. 4), which i never would of considered last year and never had another oppurtunity until the day after thanksgiving. I had several encounters with bucks but wasn’t able to close the deal. By that point I was looking for any legal bone at all to fill the freezer. I knew there was a mature buck in the area from the spring and summer scouting i had done and the buck sign i was seeing him lay down that fall. I had six trees hung that i had set up in the late spring early summer for the saddle which was new for me. I had scouted, set up, and hunted this 260 acre property exactly like i have read and watched in your videos. The few mistakes that i made the deer capitalized on and i knew it. This paticular property was not the only place i hunted but it was #1. The buck that i took was not the biggest one that you’ll see but he is mature. I took him at 2:30 in the afternoon scent checking a bedding area at 15 yards with my 30-06-im not a purest yet. Only because of the tree saddle was i able to get 29 feet up in the tree. last year I was 20 or so and deffinatly would of been picked off had i of been at the same heigth. From tree set up, to scent control, to dealing with other hunters, and most of all what i get from you is your intensity for the hunt. Its the whole picture-4 seasons. It seems like all the work is pre and post season. It takes determination to get out of bed 3 hours or more EVERY morning i possibly can to hunt. All the Respect |
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Dear John,
Bowhunting for whitetailed deer for me is more than a hobby each fall. Its a way of life and an obsession. I pour through endless books and magazines looking to soak up every bit of knowledge I can. The problem is these books all seem to have the same generic information. That was until a few years back when I picked up and read Precision Bowhunting and Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails. These books have advanced my bowhunting skills like no other bowhunting literature has before. I give alot of credit to these books in helping me take this beautiful Michigan 10pt on a 2008 MID-DAY late october bowhunt, as well as several other great bucks before in recent seasons. Hunters not spending time on stand during mid-day at certain times of the season are missing out for sure! These books will teach you that, I know they did me. Thank You, Doug Myers |
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Dear John and Chris, I just had to send you this photo of my 8 point I got on election day 2008. I live in New Jersey which is an extremenly pressured state and have had to deal with other hunters on a regular basis. I needed to really improve my tactics and have been hunting the same way for years with mediocre results. Well last year, I read both of your books (Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails) and (Precision Bowhunting) and It opened the world of hunting up to me like I never imagined. Paying attention to the details like scent control, wind direction, scrapes, rub lines and doing all my scouting at the end of last season really paid off! This buck in the photo is my first nice deer with my bow. I can’t thank you guys enough for opening my eyes and preparing me for the challenge of taking a nice buck in a pressured area. I’m so greatful! Thanks again !!! Chris Hendrickson |
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John and Chris,
I have been hunting for 21 years with both bow and gun and had never before killed let alone seen a buck as big as the one I took with my bow in 2007. In the past three years I have taken 3 good bucks by Pennsylvania state land standards, and every year they just keep getting bigger, and without question I owe it all to you guys. After reading both of your books I ordered the DVDs and they aided in putting a picture to some of the areas you described in the books. I live in Pennsylvania and primarily hunt state land in an area that literally gets absolutely hammered by hunters and as I stated, my success has been phenomenal since putting your hunting practices for pressured whitetails to work. It is amazing how something in life as simple as taking a few mature whitetail bucks can change the way your friends interact with you. I hate to sound cheesy but you guys have made my dreams come true and the least I could do is strongly recommend your books and DVDs to anyone who is serious about taking mature deer on public land or anyplace for that matter. PS: my wife says I am much easier to live with now Thanks Kevin Flaherty |
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I attended one of your field seminars last fall south of Fowlerville. The location was near where you killed Wheezer in 2000. Anyway, I’m a big fan of yours (we talked quite a bit at the session). I’ve read Chris and your books several times, watched your videos and recommended them to EVERYBODY that will listen. At the session you walked us through the woods and actually demonstrated the Trophyline Ambush Saddle along with other field techniques. You recommended getting the saddle this year but probably not using it until next year (given all that needed to be accomplished to implement your techniques). When I saw your demonstration, I could not wait. I ordered the saddle and within 2 days of its receipt, was in the woods and dropped a huge doe with my bow. Having read your books several times within the last 2 years and adhering to your techniques, I felt the Ambush saddle was the last piece of equipment I needed to do it the Eberhart way. Following your books advice about saving certain areas strictly for the rut phases, I hunted one of my best spots for the first time of the season on November 2nd, 2007 and at a distance of 28 yards killed the largest buck I have ever killed and I have taken quite a few. He was a monster 12 point that dressed out at 211 pounds (waiting for score). THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD HAVE TAKEN THIS BUCK WITHOUT YOUR BOOKS AND VIDEOS. I believe you have changed the way I hunt forever. Attached are pictures. Thank you and keep writing. John Pardington |
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John and Chris
Thanks a ton for producing the literature you do. I feel it has really shortened my learning curve for harvesting (what I consider) trophy whitetails. Not many authors are willing to share both their success’ and failures over the years, in order to help others in their pursuit. I’ve never had a problem harvesting 1.5 year old bucks with my bow, but I reached a point in my hunting career where I wanted to “raise my standards” and attempt to hold off for more mature deer. By committing to learning everything I can and diligent scent control, scouting, and seasonal focus, I’ve been able to harvest whitetails over 100″ the last 3 Michigan bow seasons (102″, 112″, & 144″). I became drawn to your writings because I felt they pertained to me extremely well, as I hunt the extremely pressured areas of Southeast Michigan. My favorite Book is “Precision Bowhunting”. The yearly breakdown is outstanding. I’ve learned a huge amount from my own faults and achievements, but never have I learned so much from a piece of literature as I did from yours. Please continue to produce “real world” hunting writings, and I’ll continue to follow your works with anticipation of greater improvements to my hunting regimen. Thanks again,-Jason Crean |
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After 25 years of bowhunting in Michigan (the highest bowhunter density per square mile state in the country), I finally fulfilled a goal of mine by taking a mature whitetail that qualifies for the Commemorative Bucks of Michigan (CBM) record book. The first 24 years I regularly shot 1 1/2 year old bucks, an occassional 2 1/2 year old, and mature does, hoping that some day the “big one” would walk by within bow range. Little did I know that to connect on a mature buck in Michigan, I needed to drastically change the way I hunted.
One day I heard a guy being interviewed on the radio who had shot over twenty Pope & Young bucks with his bow in pressured areas, and he said that if you hunt using similar practices as everyone else, there is no reason to expect anything other than similar results. I have to credit John Eberhart, who from that day changed the way I will hunt from now on. I read up on everything John wrote about bowhunting in Michigan and how it differs from other states with less hunting pressure. I was shocked to learn that the ratio of Pope & Young bucks taken per licensed hunter varied so much from state to state. In 2004, 1 out of every 197 licensed bowhunters in Iowa entered a buck in the Pope & Young recordbook, Kansas was 1 out of 149, Illinois was 1 out of 297, Wisconsin was 1 out of 492, while at the other end of the heavily hunted spectrum Pennsylvania was 1 out of 3,308 and Michigan came in at 1 out of 5,166! No wonder you can’t find any hunting DVD’s filmed in Michigan, unless it’s behind a high fenced enclosure. When you give over 700,000 hunters a two-buck limit and more than two weeks during the peak of the rut to use a rifle or a shotgun, it becomes easy to see why bucks that survive beyond their first set of antlers are going to be smarter and more difficult to kill than in other lightly hunted states. Another thing I learned is that if you want to shoot a mature buck in the fall, you have to scout and set-up your treestand locations in the spring before new growth covers up rut sign from the previous fall. So, in March of 2006, I scouted a couple of locations that my daughters, Marie, Katie, Lisa and I had success bowhunting in the past. Next to the woods we knew well was a fifty acre field of autumn olive bushes, which are ten feet tall and very difficult to move through unless you’re on your hands and knees. It is a know bedding area for deer, and they move through it with ease. While scouting I discovered a lot of deer sign, but there were no trees that would accept a treestand, they were simply to small in diameter. That spring I purchased an Ambush saddle which is what John and his son Chris use when hunting from trees. I had read how John could hunt out of any tree that could support his weight with something that looks like a lineman’s belt. You also see lumberjacks use a similar system, the difference is the saddle is a lot more comfortable for sitting in for long periods! Trust me, it’s much more comfortable than your typical hang-on stand once you get used to it. Now that I had more options with small trees, I put in my tree steps and cleared some shooting lanes. I was stoked! It was only March and I felt like I had the upper hand on the other people who hunted this property. I did the same thing at a few other locations, since my daughters and their husbands all had saddle too. I couldn’t wait for the bow opener on October 1st. There was something else that I learned that I had to keep in mind. If you set up a tree near a primary scrape area or in a bedding area, you must not hunt it until the pre-rut, which usually begins around Halloween in Michigan. In October when the mature bucks are primarily nocturnal, the does must be allowed to bed down and move through these areas without being spooked by people hunting or scouting. Once the pre-rut starts, you can hunt these areas in the morning, and John advises to get to your stand a minimum of 1 1/2 hour before daylight. I didn’t want to hear that, since I am not a morning person. In heavily hunted areas such as where I hunt in Michigan, mature bucks are accustomed to when most hunters arrive in the morning, so they leave their feeding area to bed down prior to first light. I knew I had to get to my tree and be set-up and quiet well before any bucks moved into the area, otherwise I would spook them with my entry. By 10 am most hunters leave the woods, and that is when mature bucks get up and scent check for receptive does in their core area. Along with the full blown rut, the pre-rut is one of the few times during season that mature bucks move and expose themselves during daylight hours. While hunting in mid-October, we noticed that some of the younger bucks were chasing does already. This seemed very early. Once it got close to Halloween, I was going to hunt my tree in the autumn olives as soon as we got a north wind. The north breeze came on October 27th. This was the day I had been waiting for all year, because this tree was in the nastiest stuff on the property. It was my first time back to this spot since that day I set it up in March. The overgrowth from summer was incredible! Pushing my way through the braches and briars, often on my hands and knees, I made it to my tree and settled into my saddle for the day. When dawn finally arrived my heart was pounding, and I hadn’t seen or heard a thing yet, but I knew the set-up and preparation had been done right, so my expectations were high. The first three deer I saw were bucks, and they were searching through what had previously been a secure area of cover. I let a six point walk right past me, which I had never done before. Later that morning a real nice eight point walked over to some thick brush fifty yards upwind of me where some does had been bedded down. I softly inhaled on my grunt call and that was all it took for him to turn and head in my direction. At fifteen yards and broadside, I took the shot and watched him disappear into the brush. Within a few seconds I heard him pile up. He had traveled only forty yards before expiring. Had I not heard John on the radio and adopted his way of hunting, I probably would have ended up with the same old results. I can’t wait until next Halloween. Randy VanderVeen |
“Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” reviews
Hi John and Chris,
Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for the great information you authored in “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”. As an avid bowhunter for 15 years and longtime subscriber to the latest greatest hunting magazines and video’s, nothing I’ve read in the past comes close to “reality” and first-hand experience that you two have put into this book.
I owe a huge debt of honor to you guys for the great tips you provided in the publication, especially the section on hunting pre-rut active primary scrape areas. Just a couple of weeks ago (11-4-05 to be exact), I arrowed my first P&Y buck in Minnesota on highly pressured public land. He grossed 153 and 5/8 and weighed a whopping 224 lbs. dressed. The entire event was almost exactly as you described in the book as he came in during midday to scent check a secluded primary scrape area.
Thanks again fellas and keep the books coming…I just started reading “Precision Bowhunting”. Best regards and Good Hunting!
Brent Sipe Minnesota
John and Chris,
After studying your book I believe anything else I read about whitetail hunting is going to be downhill from here! I like to consider myself a knowledgeable deer hunter but you have opened my eyes to so many other factors of the pursuit. Like most I usually did my scouting in August and September.
For the first time in 15 years I can’t wait for this season to end so that I can start preparing for next season. This will be the first time in my hunting career that I will actually know what I am scouting for. You have written a book that finally tailors itself to the area and circumstances of hunting that I encounter and I want to thank you for that. Have a Happy Holiday and good luck with the remainder of the season. Thanks again for such a great book.
Sincerely, Michael Alwine
10-2-2007 Dear John and Chris,
First of all, thank you for the incredible reading material you have provided me in “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”. I began reading it 3 years ago to my wife on our honeymoon and finished it before we landed back in the U.S. I couldn’t put it down and have read it through several times since. I also want to tell you what a great job your videos did for me as well. I really got a first hand look at what you guys do to become successful. Watching them gets me very ambitious to get back out in the woods or just prepare for the next hunt or scouting opportunity. Thirdly, the Ambush saddle is a great way to hunt. I have pretty much gone to hunting exclusively out of it and can’t tell you how much it has improved my comfort and ability to stay on stand longer.
Thanks again for all the help and sharing of your experiences and knowledge.
Ross Lexvold-Red Wing, MN bowhunter
11-29-2007 John,
I am so thankful Scent Lok was invented and you made the DVDs and wrote the books. I could tell from your detailed instructions, you had gone through what I had in trying to beat their noses. Your level of detail in everything convinced me you were credible and that’s why I dropped the dollars for a complete Scent Lok suit. Don’t worry about those idiots that don’t think they work, some people just can’t be taught and you can’t save the world. Many are listening to you and learning. Just go to Archery Talk and you will see you are well respected.
I was absolutely amazed to be sweating inside my suit during a hot early season hunt and have a mature doe come up the hill at eye level with me in my Ambush saddle and head directly downwind. I just knew she would blow once she hit my airstream at less than 20 yards. She never batted an eye and just walked past to a persimmon tree at about 30 yards. At that point she was in my shooting lane and I drilled her.
There were several other instances of deer being around me and downwind and they never knew I was in their world. These areas were simply unhuntable with archery equipment, until I used Scent Lok. With me being disabled, I was ready to give up on my passion of bowhunting, because I have not been healthy enough to go anywhere else to hunt.
Your instructional books and DVDs have been such a blessing for me. You may never know what a difference you made in my life, but I just want to say thank you.
I have a question. Is there any way to wear my suit in my truck and drive a mile down the road and hunt? I want to do it 100% right, when I go after the buck down the road.
God bless you and thank you so much
Greg Hanner
11-18-2007 – John and Chris
I read your book “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” in 2005. I tried to make the leap from hunting 4 and 6 point bucks to mature bucks in 2005, I failed. I saw bigger bucks than I ever had using your tactics but could not connect because I didn’t have the bowhunter set-up, I was still using my gun hunter mindframe. This is my third full season of only hunting with my bow and I don’t believe I will ever go back to my guns, I love it. Well last year (2006) I tried again for a big buck, I only saw one mature buck slipping into a bedding area at 40 yards early in the pre rut. It was so close but 40 yards is 10 yards to long for me.
I hunt on a pressured military base so it can be pretty tough. Well this year I didn’t give up and finally connected on my best buck with a bow…a nice 15 inch spread 8-point. Not a monster, but definitely a great buck for the place I hunt. I was actually reading both your books the night before I shot the buck. I read about staging areas and the rut. It was like a light went off in my head.
I decided to move my portable stand only 45 yards to a new spot in the area I was hunting, an hour and a half before first light. Then I remembered you talking about lightly rattling after first light…I hardly ever rattle, call, or put out scents because the deer get spooky really quick. But I knew a good buck was using this area because when I got up in my tree I was 10 yards from a huge scrape! How is that, I moved my stand in complete darkness based on your book and when the sun came up, a huge scrape is right below me.
Well 10 minutes after daylight I hit the rattle bag for only 20 seconds and very lightly. Two minutes later that 8-point came walking down on a rope to check the scrape, and I nailed him with my Muzzy! Before him I killed a 6 and two 7 points with my bow. He was by far my best buck.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I feel like you have been there helping me since I read your first book. It really changed the way I hunt and the work ethic I put into my hunting.
Thank You – Brett Tillett – Manassas, Va.
Dear John,
John, I want to thank you for writing such an informative book. It is the best book I have ever read regarding hunting mature bucks. I truly believe reading your book has saved me from making years of mistakes while hunting.
Thank you, Todd Peterson
Dear John,
This book is a must have for any serious bowhunter. If you are a novice bowhunter this book is a must read. For experienced bowhunters, this book will help you fine tune your hunting tactics.
John covers the most important topics of bowhunting. Scent Control, Stand Placement, How to hunt Rublines, Scrapes and Staging areas, Using Decoys, Deer Recovery, and much more.
Forget most of the articles you read in magazines or the hunting videos you see on television. This book will add 15 years of experience to your knowledge of bowhunting.
Kimber Oklahoma
Dear John,
I’ve read many bowhunting books over the years. I thought that I’d heard it all. This book proves that I didn’t. I was very surprised by the great info this book provides.
Rest assured this book is not for the weekend bowhunter, this is hard-core bowhunting.
Meyerske Washington, Pa.
Dear John,
Hello, I thoroughly enjoyed reading you book, “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”. It gave me great tips that enabled me to take my first mature buck with a bow, a fine 7 pointer with a 16 1/2 inch inside spread. I hunt in central New Jersey where there is a lot of deer hunting pressure.
I was wondering if you have any autographed 8 X 10 photos of yourself and or Chris with a nice whitetail buck for sale? I would love to add them to my collection.
Regards Mike Banko
7-4-2007 – John and Chris
I recently purchased a copy of “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” and must say that the book is a real eye-opener! I an from southeastern Pennsylvania where the whitetails are definitely pressured and there are more hunters every year!
Thanks to you and Chris for a great book, perhaps I will pick up the DVD’s as well.
A fellow bowhunter, Joe O’Connor Willow Grove, Pa.
Dear John,
I just ordered an Ambush saddle from your website, because I was very impressed by its advantages and what you said about it in your book “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”, which is my favorite book. Can you give me any pointers or advice in using the saddle since you have been using it for so long?
Thanks again for the fine book. I believe the book, Ambush saddle, and time put in will give me the edge on the buck of I have been looking for. Hard work brings more appreciation when the buck of your lifetime is taken. Hopefully that will be the case.
William Pitts
Good day Mr. Eberhart,
I am an avid 20 year-old bow hunter from south eastern Michigan. Your book has helped me become a better hunter. “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” picked up where my father left off. Growing up in the woods I learned a multitude of things about hunting but was never very successful. Taking a mature deer was my only goal that could equate to success.
After reading your book, I started to understand better the ideas of controlling scent, and getting closer to the quarry. Problems with the techniques my father taught me now seem so obvious. So, with the changes in my habits I saw more deer closer this year than ever. I was even so brave as to let a nice eight-point (he had a broken G-2) walk to within three yards; then walk away unscathed. The buck never knew I was there.
With these new techniques I hope to have even more success in the upcoming season. Thank you for the knowledge and the teachings you have shared.
Sincerely Jesse J. Sieler
Dear John,
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, I wanted to personally thank you for enhancing my hunting season this year. Through the years of wisdom and experience you have shared through your book, I was able to take a monumental leap forward this year in sightings of adult deer…specifically mature bucks. I had a total of 14 different mature buck sightings and my guess is that 6 of them were 3 ½ year olds.
I took an adult doe during an evening hunt on Oct. 2nd in a feeding area stand. I took a 2 ½ year old 8 point on Oct. 26th from a fresh rubline between a bedding and feeding area. And the coupe de gras was a 3 ½ year old 8 point (my largest buck to date) on Nov. 10th from an active primary scrape area.
I hunted from 13 different sites and never hunted any one more than 3 times. My routine during the magical time from Oct. 25th through Nov. 14th was to be on stand a minimum of an hour and a half prior to daybreak and hunt until at least 2pm. I saw an absolute giant at 11:14am on Nov. 9th. I also had a gorgeous buck pass under me before daybreak on Nov. 5th.
Nonetheless I am extremely happy with my results this year and have you to thank. I also had excellent result hunting in the rain this year as you predicted in the book. It is a wonderful feeling (as long as you can keep dry) seeing mature deer on the move in the pouring rain while other hunters are home sipping coffee.
It was a strange yet wonderful feeling to out of tags before gun season, it was a first for me. Thanks again!
Michael Davison
1-27-2008 – John,
I am enclosing two photos of the deer I was able to harvest last year. I realize you probably get lots of pictures from big name people, but for what it’s worth I want to say thank you very much for the information in your two books. I believe they had everything to do with my success this past season. I hunt in a very pressured area in Minnesota. We have certain parts of the state that are low pressure and some that are crazy. This is where I live and I do not have the finances or time to go on out of state hunts at this point in my life.
I saw one of your articles in Bowhunter magazine once and thought I would order your book and am very thankful I did. I hunted in places I never would have hunted before on public ground. In Minnesota we can not leave tree stands up overnight so the hassle of hunting on public land way back did not appeal when I had to lug a stand in and out every time. Enter your advice on using an Ambush saddle, patterning other hunters, and hunting public ground. I left my steps in and wore my saddle (stand) in, and Viola!
Thank you Jeremy Waknitz
Dear John,
Just as the name implies if you are bowhunting whitetails in pressured areas this book is one of the best. There is something here for everyone but if you are a beginner this book is a must own. The author also has 3 DVDs on hunting pressured whitetails, they are the best instructional DVD’s I have seen. I wish this book had been available when I started bowhunting.
So much of what I read is like a fairy tale. Sometimes it’s even good enough to make me believe and then after a few hours or days in the real woods (no fences and lots of other hunters), reality sets in again. This book doesn’t promise any instance success or give any sure kill secrets like “rattle and grunt every ten minutes”…ever tried that one? This is real hunting. Get out there early, put the time in, and pay attention to the details. And there are a lot of details outlined in this book.
Bill Newville Pa.
8-28-2007 Dear John,
I live in Ironwood Michigan and am a very avid deer hunter. I have read thousands of articles and hundreds of books on deer hunting and your books are the very best I have ever read. I am so glad someone finally addressed what the average hunter has to deal with.
Thank you for passing on your knowledge with the rest of us.
Sincerely – Glenn Gauthier
Dear John,
This was a great book. Finally someone got it right. Not all of us hunt on ranches where deer rarely see humans and are fed. This book gives advice on how to hunt state lands and other populated areas. I would recommend you read this book if you want to see more deer in the woods this year.
Michael Anzalone Staten Island, N. Y.
Dear John,
John, I really enjoyed your book “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”. I watched the American Archer with Tom Nelson the other day on scent control. I wished I would have taped the show. I feel I need to take scent control and stand placement to the next level, because as you said, when hunting mature bucks in pressured areas, you are hunting a completely different animal.
I read lots of Archery magazines and you read one article and they say one thing and you read another and they say the opposite. Their articles are confusing. I think that many of those writers are blowing Hot Air. I’m sure your book “Precision Bowhunting” will be as informative as the other one.
Thank you: Scott Shane
7-25-2004 – Dear John,
This book is no B.S. I have read the book twice and referred back to it many times. It is a great book for good bow hunters that want to take their game to the next level.
I truly believe John is THE BEST whitetail hunter in the country. I say this because the bucks he kills are in Michigan, where an 80″ whitetail is like shooting a 130″ in many other states……..and he does not own or lease property. He knocks on doors to gain permission the hard way.
Justin L Wood Sanford, Mi.
Dear John,
This is my first year hunting–I wanted to read up on some tactics and how to’s of hunting. My husband has been hunting for 15 years and he has really enjoyed reading this book also. The writer either confirmed or shed new light on some things my husband has believed about whitetails. He has stated this is the best information he has ever read on bowhunting.
I learned a great deal from this book also. I no longer think my husband is crazy for being a scent free fanatic. I can proudly say I am now as well.
I truly believe any bowhunter looking to improve his or her skills could benefit from this read.
Diane N. Y.
9-11-2007 – John and Chris
I am 32 years old and have 19 years of deer hunting under my belt, 10 of which have been with a bow. I have grown up learning to hunt in the heavily pressured state of South Carolina, where we have a 4 ½ month rifle season, allow dog hunting, baiting, and have no system in place to check in our deer or enforce the number of deer a hunter may take in a given season. It’s home and I love it here, but a true trophy paradise it is not.
I have watched over the past 15 years as the so-called experts of the whitetail world take trophy after trophy on TV using techniques and methods that simply don’t work anywhere if there is hunting competition. While entertaining, the educational value is extremely low. I am an avid reader and have read many books over the past 12 years and have found them to be by and large, useless for the areas I hunt.
I was looking on Amazon for a few new books and was drawn to yours because of your chapter “The Problem with Baiting”. It is a subject I have put a lot of thought into over the years, but have never seen anybody write anything about. Frankly, I was unfamiliar with your writings but thought I’d give your book a chance. I am really glad I did. It is far and away the most helpful, insightful, and honest book I have ever read on deer hunting.
From the first chapter on the statistics of pressured states and P&Y entries, to the last chapter, I was thoroughly intrigued and learned more than I have form all the other books I’ve ever read combined. There is a lot to digest and I will need to read it several more times in an effort to take it all in. It was a truly thought provoking book that I have already recommended to several of my closest hunting buddies. Your methods and strategies are the first I have ever read that made sense for where I hunt. It really helped me connect the dots and give some structure and continuity to some of the thoughts and observations that I have made on my own.
In closing, I hope I have not taken up too much of your time but I wanted you to know how much I appreciated the two of you writing an honest book about deer hunting. There are people like me who are constantly searching for quality writing on the sport we love.
Thank you for such a great book
Sincerely – Stephen Lincoln S. C.
I have to write and tell you that on the very first hunt after putting your hunting tactics together, my friend took the largest buck he or I have ever seen in South Carolina while in the field. The 11 point was on taken on opening day of our 2007 gun season after setting up in some heavy cover in an area that I never would have set-up in prior to reading your books.
My friend thanks you and I do as well. I have not been out yet due to work restrictions, but am eagerly awaiting.
Sincerely – Stephen Lincoln S. C.
Dear John,
My pleasure John and Chris. What a great book! I’ve been hunting deer for over 30 years and while I don’t consider myself an “expert”, I do feel I hunt harder and smarter than most.
Your book gave me a lot of insights and opened my eyes to some mistakes I’ve been making and some options I should be concentrating on.
Thanks for passing on your expertise. Bill
Dear John,
This letter was addressed to Stackpole Books (publisher of the books).
Thank you for publishing “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”. The book answers many questions I’ve had.
Could you please have John contact me as to where I can find an Ambush Saddle. I want to learn how to use it and follow John and Chris’s plan.
John Horton Fond du Lac, Wi.
John and Chris,
You guys definitely get credit for assists. I have taken four 2 ½ year old or older bucks from state land over the past two seasons since reading your book and putting your methods to work. In my previous 18 years of bowhunting I took only one mature buck.
I can’t say how much I owe you for my recent successes.
I want to add that I use a mountain bike to get ¾ of a mile off the road and then walk an additional 3/8 of a mile like your son Jon.
Michael Davidson
I recently read your book, read a few of your articles in magazines, and saw you on the American Archer with Tom Nelson. I have to say that the info you and Chris put out in your book “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” was truly top notch. I can’t wait until bow season to apply some of the tactics I learned from your great read. I also took care of most of my scouting and tree preparation as you suggested back in April. I also heard you were working on a second book. Any idea when it will be available?
Tom Lantis
Dear John,
Hey Guys, Great stuff you have here. I ordered the 3 DVD set earlier this spring and a copy of “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”. I liked what I read so much that tonight I ordered a copy of “Precison Bowhunting”. I guess an Ambush saddle might be next.
Keep up the great work, I’ve learned more about hunting in the past few months than in the previous 20 years. Wish me luck getting a nice buck this fall.
I ordered your three videos last week and got them yesterday. Then I spent 5 1/2 hours watching them all, including the bonus features. In a word, they were outstanding! I have both of your books as well, and the videos are perfect companion pieces for them.
Thank you for your time and effort to produce some of the most realistic big buck hunting instructional videos that I have ever seen!! I also really liked the capability to select a particular setup or technique scene – I don’t recall seeing this feature in other videos. Your down-to-earth and practical advice, coupled with your very personable demeanor were a pure joy to watch!! And I think just as highly of your two books!!
Although I am a firearms deer hunter (muzzleloader and rifle) who lives in Virginia, but who hunts big woods in Maine and Nova Scotia, I prefer to stillhunt and track bucks like the Benoits of Vermont do (I have all of their videos and books) …. but I do a lot of “stump sitting” too, since this is the most productive way to tag a good buck. I am far from being an accomplished deer hunter, let alone big buck hunter, like you or the Benoits, however … but I am trying to learn as much as I can about the crafty and elusive mature whitetail buck. The chase is what I live for in deer hunting …. and with each passing year the passion burns hotter and hotter (I’m a 48 years old guy who wasn’t able to hunt while in the US Navy for 22 years – but have tried to make up with it since I retired in 2000).
I first learned of you a couple years ago via a magazine article you had written. Since then I have kept an eye peeled for anything by or of you, as I have gained a deep admiration and respect for what you do and how well you do it. And my hat is off to you for your willingness to share what you know with “average joe’s” like me!! Thank you very much for being so generous!!
Again, a hearty “well done” for the videos and books!!
P.S. Please convey my thanks to your boys Chris and John for anything and everything they had to do with the videos and books.
This book and the Eberhart’s other book “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” are the two best whitetail deer bowhunting books I have read – and I have read a lot of them. Most deer hunting books discuss tactics for hunting lightly pressured deer (i.e. large, privately managed farms or ranches with limited access or high-fence operations) that most hunters will simply never have the chance to hunt.
This book is different from other hunting books in that the Eberhart’s explain their year-round system for consistently taking mature whitetail bucks from pressured areas in their home state of Michigan. I must say again that the Eberhart’s bowhunting books are the best I have read. In fact, I re-read parts of their books before each hunting season.
Mountain Man Wisconsin
8-10-2007 – John,
I received your books on the 1st of August. I have read through the first book and am halfway through the second. What an eye-opener! I have been frustrated trying to decipher the difference between reality and hype in all the magazine articles I read. All the articles are great but the magazines rarely publish any good information that makes me a better hunter on public ground and the authors opinions rarely match what I am seeing in the real whitetail world.
The scenarios you describe in the books are exactly how I see them playing out in the woods. I have hunted for about 6 years now and spent a good amount of time in the woods. I see plenty of deer from my stands but nothing mature. I realize now after reading your books all the mistakes I was making, arriving at my stands late, not sitting through midday during the rut phases, over-scouting during season, overhunting, and hunting the wrong types of sign at the wrong time of year.
I have wasted a lot of time in the woods and your books have shaved countless hours off the time spent learning the lessons the hard way.
Thanks for the time spent talking whitetails – Rob Finch
12-10-2007 – John,
Hello from PA! We’re into the late season and the end of the post rut here in Pa. I have a question for you concerning cold weather attire. I have been looking at the Rivers West H2P system and notice that you use their products. My question is: Can the H2P system be used in the early season all the way through the extended late season? My cheap insulated camo coveralls just don’t cut it….burr!
About your book
I just picked up a copy of “Precision Bowhunting”. What a great addition to “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”! I like the way that you and Chris laid out the entire year showing what to do month by month. I am excited to seriously begin something I haven’t ever done in my short bowhunting experience…scouting! Your book is like a how to on scoring big, mature bucks under normal hunting conditions! I am looking forward to using your tips and tricks and becoming a successful mature whitetail hunter. Thanks again for all of the great information!
A fellow bowhunter Joe O’conner Willow Grove, Pa.
Dear John,
John, I can easily tell you and Chris put your hearts and souls into your two books. They are the best two books in my collection. I have a ton of hunting books, magazines, VHS tapes, CD’s, and DVD’s….and yours are the best. They have more usable information than everything else I have combined. Thanks for all your hard work and for your inspiration.
I found your website and wondered if you have a package deal if all 4 DVD’s are purchased together.
Jack DeHaven
John & Chris,
I feel compelled to write this after just completing my 2nd cover-to-cover reading of your newest book, “Precision Bowhunting”. I have a extensive collection (to say the least) of whitetail bowhunting books dating way back to the late 70’s-early 80’s, and dare say there are very few written I do not have or have not read since then. After enjoying immensely your 1st book, I knew this one would be well worth reading as well. What I found, may be the most informative, thought-provoking, and eye-opening whitetail hunting tactic book I have ever read. This book blew me away!!
Never before in one book has there been so much SOLID and INSIGHTFUL information about whitetail behaviors and needs and how to interpret these to the hunters advantage in planning and implementing a YEAR-ROUND hunting strategy. FINALLY, someone has put into words an explanation of just what it takes to remove the “luck” factor to it’s lowest possible influence and give the hunter more control over his success than ever before.
We all knew the secret was “Hard Work”…we just never had a complete JOB DESCRIPTION before! My congratulations and thanks to you both on a tremendous gift to all whitetail hunters, bow & gun alike. This information if properly utilized, seemingly could not fail to make anyone a better and therefore a more successful hunter. I cannot WAIT to put what I have learned to work in my own pursuits! Continued success in business and in the field… I am really looking forward to viewing your new DVD’s when they become available.
Straight Arrows Ron Newman
Dear John and Chris,
My name is Kevin and I live in NE Pennsylvania. I’m writing this letter to say “thank you” for your latest publication “Precision Bowhunting”, I also own your first book.
Today is Oct. 1st, and I just killed a 2 ½ year old 7 point over an active scrape area. While the buck isn’t the biggest as far as antlers go it was the way he reacted at the scrape area exactly in the manner you described in your books that was interesting.
There are actually 2 scrapes in the area and they are surrounded by perimeter cover. I watched a doe and her buck fawn come in and lick the licking branches and wait in the area for approximately 15 minutes before the buck showed up. Believe it or not I missed him twice within 5 minutes and he just walked off not knowing what happened.
Exactly 50 minutes later the doe and fawn came back and after 15 more minutes he returned as well. I killed him this time with a perfect 32-yard shot. He managed to go about 40 yards before crashing to the ground and expiring. Everything you described in your book about primary scrapes happened on this hunt. It is one of the few books that deals with public land (heavily hunted land) in depth. I also saw John on an American Archer show.
I really appreciate the knowledge & help you gave me in your books, it helped me understand deer behavior a lot more. Have you guys thought about a TV show, I think it would be great. Sincerely
Kevin Flaherty Pennsylvania
7-13-2007 – John,
Just thought I would drop a line and tell you how much I am enjoying your new book, Precision Bowhunting. You were right when you told me in an E-mail that you thought this book was better than your first book Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails. I din’t think it was possible but you were correct. You really bring deer hunting and what it takes to be successful to a realistic level. Old-fashioned blue collared hard work in scouting and preparation. Something you hear very little about in other hunting books of secrets and getting trophy deer without much effort mentally. And you are absolutely right when talking about the difference in pressured deer and location.
I sincerely hope that your bookwriting career doesn’t end with this book. I can’t read enough of your material and I am sure there are many others with the same sentiment. I would love to see you with your own show on the Outdoor Channel to show hunters the realistic side of bowhunting. The so-called experts hunting in trees that someone else has done all the legwork and scouting for is rather ridiculous. Keep up the good work as an educator in bowhunting.
You have made great sacrifices over the years in your learning and education in the bowhunting field, and I feel it will greatly pay off in the near future. I am aware you did not do it for monetary reasons but because you love the woods and hunting. But as you have sewed into this passion, you will reap the benefits thereof.
Thanks for sharing what you have learned.
Bill Pitts
Dear John,
This book walks the hunter through the whole year, what you need to be getting done, when you need to do it, and where to do it. It’s all here, how, when, and where you should be hunting throughout the season. It rehashes some of their other book “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” both of which I would recommend to any bowhunter.
Dear John,
I read your book “Precision Bowhunting”, what a great book. Thanks for keeping it “real”, I have been looking for a book about what most of us hunters have to deal with and your book really spells it out.
Personally I can’t stand watching hunting shows, where you know they are hunting non or lightly hunted deer. Sure they say 100% wild / fair chase, but it is quite obvious the deer see little if any hunting pressure. That is just not the situation most of us are in.
Thanks Daniel Chervenka
Dear John and Chris,
I thoroughly enjoyed your book “Precision Bow Hunting”. I’ve been deer hunting for the past 35 years, bow hunting for the past 25 and thought I knew quite a bit about the topic. But your book really helped me realize how much more there is to learn.
Thanks again. Henry A. Woida
A letter from Mark to a friend:
Knowing you are a died in the wool Bowhunter and always trying to get the razors edge on Big Bucks, you have to read this book!!
Probably the best book I have read on bowhunting in high pressured areas like we hunt in. Mark
Dear John,
Thanks for taking time out of your schedule and writing such an awesome book.
If you are wondering why a guy who has never met you is so interested in spreading your story I’ll make a long story short. I am a first generation “self taught” bowhunter who feels betrayed by guys who shoot deer without truly hunting and then fill pages of my favorite magazines with generic techniques that work very marginally in heavily hunted areas like where I hunt.
Ted Amirault Cedar Springs, Mi.
Dear John,
Excellent book; easy to read, well organized, and insightful. No gimmicks or add-ons. Follow the straight forward practices to improve your odds. I used the knowledge for both bow and firearm hunting. I saw many more deer than in prior years. I purchased a copy for my son and a friend.
Deer hunter from Michigan
Dear Chris and John,
You guys have done it again. This is an incredible follow up to “bowhunting pressured whitetails”. Their knowledge of the lore of the wood and the unique and creative take they have with hunting consistently shows their superior knowledge. They are all too happy to share that knowledge with those of you who are wise enough to purchase this book.
Daniel D. Maurer Underwood N.D.
Dear Chris & John and all the hard working people that put together this outstanding book!!,
Now I could use a lot of five dollar long headed words to describe your book; but I won’t to save me the embarrassment. However, I will say thank you very much for this “down to reality” book on bowhunting.
I do not endorse anything, but this book was very, very deep!!! Just what I needed to influence my nephew with the right stuff to make him a more successful hunter.
Thanks. Steven Withan
Dear John,
I just finished your book “Precision Bowhunting” and thought it was very well written. I really liked the side-bar stories of hunts! What I thought was going to be a dry read turned out to be quite an escape and I couldn’t put it down until it was done!
Well done John and Chris and congrats on your successes which are simply amazing!
There was no name on this letter
Dear John and Chris,
I am 20 years old and would like to start off by thanking you for the great books. They gave ma a great amount of new knowledge that I hope will lead to future success. My dad and I met you at a recent banquet where you gave a seminar on hunting pressured whitetails, I also picked up a copy of your book at that dinner. I started bow hunting at age 12 but have been in the woods on hunts with my father since I was 3.
I started hunting out of a tree saddle this year and also did not over hunt my locations for the first time, leaving them until they were ready to hunt as you suggest. I believe that these two factors helped me in seeing more bucks this year than in any of my previous years.
Even though I lost a 2 ½ year old 8 point to a low shoulder knuckle shot on Halloween, I am still very happy with my season. During gun season I went to one of my hunting locations and was surrounded by other hunters (I hunt state land). I ended up moving about ½ mile away in an area with much denser cover and more sign. I ended up taking an 8-point (my best buck to date) and attribute the knowledge of adjusting my location to your book.
This week I went to Borders and bought your other book “Precision Bowhunting”. It only took me 3 days to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it as well as the article of yours I read in the national magazines. I think your books are easy to read and more importantly easy to understand and apply in the field. Thank you all so much.
PS: This was my first season in a tree saddle and I just loved it once I got used to it. This one piece of equipment has significantly changed the way I hunt. Thanks for the tip on that as well.
Adren M. Taylor
Dear John & Chris,
Just finished reading my new copy of “Precision Bowhunting”. Between that and “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” my hunting techniques have and will change forever. I have written you before but still wanted to tell you guys one more time that as a veteran and “fanatical” bowhunter as well, you gentlemen have redefined the term “hardcore deer hunting”. I have 35 years of archery hunting under my belt and have read just about everything ever published on the subject in addition to my own experiences in the field.
Never has my attention been captivated by anything other than my own interpretations of what I’ve seen and learned in the field, than it has by these two books. I doubt I will ever bother to read to read the so-called big name writers and film-makers CRAP again. I am loaning the books to a couple buddies of mine who I believe will understand as I do, what you are unveiling about real, fair chase, meat and potatoes, deer hunting, done with a passion and commitment. I will strive to reach the level of understanding you both seem to have. Thank you for re-invigorating me with the spirit of the hunter from days gone by, and the modern warrior. As soon as muzzle load season is finished here in Michigan, my 2006 deer season will begin, post season scouting that is.
Good Hunting Guys Bradley Whiting
Dear John,
I just finished your book “Precision Bowhunting”. How “not” to go forward and to observe and critique the norm, I think, is an often overlooked method of instruction. Instead of “do this, this, and this”; Precision Bowhunting went out of the way to explain why not to do that, that, and that. Your book really clicked with how I like to learn.
Thanks for a great resource. Wade Sutherlin
Dear John,
I just wanted to say that your book is by far the best hunting periodical out there. I have read literally thousands of pages on the subject and your book is by far the most realistic, practical and detailed.
Chad Haase
DVD Testimonials
“BOWHUNTING PRESSURED WHITETAILS” 3 volume instructional DVD testimonials
2-8-2008 – Hey John,
I’m writing you to let you know that your videos are the best videos I’ve ever watched. My dad purchased all three of your videos. This is not something new as he has thousands (no exaggeration) of hunting videos from as far back in the day when videos first hit the market. He has every video known to man and it takes a lot to impress my father when it comes to videos. Dad kept telling me about this “Eberhart” guy. Finally I sat down to watch your videos and couldn’t agree more. I’ve watched these videos multiple times in the past few weeks and am now starting to read your books. Great/Awesome stuff. I guess it kind of really hits home with us because all we have here in south central Pa. to hunt is overcrowded public land. We’ve had some success in the past, but these videos really give us an edge.
Actually I killed a 110-inch 8-point off a 4 acre plot thanks to your videos. Not a trophy to some but I earned this buck and we owe it to you! Everyone would love the luxury of having their own land to manage, but it’s just not a reality here in Hanover, Pa. The problem is, we love to hunt whitetails and instead of complaining about our situation your videos have given us the confidence and knowledge to continue to hunt on public land. Dad recently purchased an Ambush saddle from your website and I too will be looking to purchase one soon. I have a newborn due in July so I have to save up for these things ha ha. Anyway, keep up the great work and hope your scouting is going well! AWESOME INFORMATION!!!
Thanks Corey Zortman Hanover, Pa.
3-12-2008 – Dear John,
I ordered your three videos last week and got them yesterday. Then I spent 5 1/2 hours watching them all, including the bonus features. In a word, they were outstanding! I have both of your books as well, and the videos are perfect companion pieces for them.
Thank you for your time and effort to produce some of the most realistic big buck hunting instructional videos that I have ever seen!! I also really liked the capability to select a particular setup or technique scene – I don’t recall seeing this feature in other videos. Your down-to-earth and practical advice, coupled with your very personable demeanor were a pure joy to watch!! And I think just as highly of your two books!!
Although I am a firearms deer hunter (muzzleloader and rifle) who lives in Virginia, but who hunts big woods in Maine and Nova Scotia, I prefer to still hunt and track bucks like the Benoit’s of Vermont do (I have all of their videos and books) …. but I do a lot of “stump sitting” too, since this is the most productive way to tag a good buck. I am far from being an accomplished deer hunter, let alone big buck hunter, like you or the Benoit’s, however … but I am trying to learn as much as I can about the crafty and elusive mature whitetail buck. The chase is what I live for in deer hunting …. and with each passing year the passion burns hotter and hotter (I’m a 48 years old guy who wasn’t able to hunt while in the US Navy for 22 years – but have tried to make up with it since I retired in 2000).
I first learned of you a couple years ago via a magazine article you had written. Since then I have kept an eye peeled for anything by or of you, as I have gained a deep admiration and respect for what you do and how well you do it. And my hat is off to you for your willingness to share what you know with “average Joe’s” like me!! Thank you very much for being so generous!!
Again, a hearty “well done” for the videos and books!!
P.S. Please convey my thanks to your boys Chris and John for anything and everything they had to do with the videos and books.
8-30-2007 – Dear John,
Just wanted to let you know that I have 100’s of video’s and DVDs of whitetail hunting, and finally someone (you) addressed what “real” whitetail hunting is all about and how to do it. I will be buying your sets of DVDs again in the future for my two sons for Christmas, they are extremely good.
1-28-2008 – John and Chris,
Thank you guys so much for turning me onto the Ambush saddle. This is my first year using it and I absolutely love it. I shot this buck in southern Michigan on October 29th in an active scrape area from a tree that I wouldn’t have been able to hunt without the saddle. It is my first mature buck I have shot with my bow and I feel like you guys had as much or more to do with it than I did because of all you have taught me in the books and DVDs. You are TRUE bowhunters and you know how to translate your skills to other in a very unique way. Thanks again for all your help.
Boone Cook
2-27-2008 – Dear John,
I recently read “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails”, what an incredible read! I am from Pa and this book almost sums up hunting here to a T. I enjoyed the book so much I purchased the first two DVDs that go along with it. Post season and Pre season scouting were very enjoyable and as soon as the snow is finally gone here I am going to get to scouting! I have always been a summer/early fall scouter and this book and DVDs have shed a new light on things. Thank you for your time and effort.
You are spot on about game cameras. I witnessed this first hand last summer with it changing deer patterns. Not sure if I will be using it at all anymore.
Sincerely Brian Rute
Great work – Barry Zortman – Hanover, Pa.
Dear John,
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I received your DVDs today!! I’ve already watched your first DVD (and plan to re-watch many times) and I am extremely happy with the visual opportunity you have provided. Along with your extensively informative books, it helps to fully understand your scouting/hunting process when it can be seen first hand through these DVDs. Thanks again for making them available. I definitely look forward to viewing (and reviewing) the remaining 2 DVDs as well as Archery Mechanics.
Thanks again, C.Murphy
8-7-2007 – Hello John,
I want to say that I have your books and all your DVDs and truly appreciate the information you have shared in them. What you say and write is right on the money as I have either experienced the same events or summarized them to be correct based on my knowledge. Thanks for keeping it real and for not going commercial like so many others. I refuse to watch the canned TV hunting shows anymore and only look for solid information.
Take care and god bless – Sincerely – Brad E. Bishop
Dear John,
I recently watched your 3 DVD series, and they completely blow away anything else I’ve seen. I was growing so tired of watching videos that were 95% wacking deer and 5% instructional. Your set on the other hand is 100% instructional, and truly is something a hunter can get his hands on and have immediate success. I was happy to see that I do some of the same things you do, except you take it to a different level, and its obvious your commitment to the seriousness of becoming a bowhunter was instrumental in taking mature bucks. You have packed so much great information in this set. Taking the viewer right to specific spots and showing at the same time the terrain with a pointer was brilliant, and allowed me to understand the reasons you’ve picked a specific location as a hot spot, and helped me to visualize areas within my hunting areas that may have the same characteristics. Very well done and thanks for all your hard work helping folks become more proficient/efficient hunters.
Jeff Ford Michigan
A letter from Jeff Ford after watching the DVD’s
John, thanks for the great advice given on the DVD’s. During post-season I found a scrape area back in some cover and cleared out a location. I left that location alone until November just as you advised. Two days ago I went there for the first time and had a buck go by me about an hour before daylight to bed. At about 11am he came back through with a doe, he was absolutely huge but he was out of range (about 60 yards).
Yesterday I snuck back into the area extra early (3 hours before first light) and adjusted my location closer to where the buck went the day before. I did not hear anything go through prior to daylight but at 11:45am in a 40 mph wind, a different big buck came through by himself making his midday rounds to scent check the area as you predicted. The high winds did not seem to alter his movements as he steadily went about his business.
Unfortunately for the 19 inch wide 8 point, he ran right into my Muzzy broadhead and died. How careless of him!! The entire hunt happened exactly like your book described and if you would have been there I would have considered having you tag him, but instead I did, but you get a big assist.
Thanks Jeff Ford Michigan
8-27-2007 – Dear John Eberhart,
I had a chance to review volume I of your DVD series Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails. I was very happy to see that someone has finally put a video together on setting up locations and finding the right locations. There are so many video’s out there that show people shooting deer, but not explaining why or how they set up the location. It was very informative and I wait to check out volumes II, and III.
Kindest regards – Curtis W. Sutton – Cheswick, Pa.
Dear John and Chris,
I bought your books last week and the salesman told me about your DVD’s. I bought vols. I & II and took them to Florida. I watched vol. I on the plane. What a great video! I was wondering when the vol. III would be available. What a great video!
Jim Knight
2-1-2008 – Dear John and Chris ,
I just received the first volume of your bowhunting dvd series and it is outstanding! I have been gun hunting in Michigan for probably 20 years with only moderate results, and started bowhunting last year. I have read your book “Precision Bowhunting” and trust your opinion. Are there any other books or DVDs that you would advise?
Thank you Rick Dennison Blissfield Mich.
4-9-2008 – Dear John,
I ordered your three videos last week and got them yesterday. Then I spent 5 1/2 hours watching them all, including the bonus features. In a word, they were outstanding! I have both of your books as well, and the videos are perfect companion pieces for them.
Thank you for your time and effort to produce some of the most realistic big buck hunting instructional videos that I have ever seen!! I also really liked the capability to select a particular setup or technique scene – I don’t recall seeing this feature in other videos. Your down-to-earth practical advice coupled with your very personable demeanor made it a joy watch!! And I think just as highly of your two books!!
Although I am a firearms deer hunter (muzzleloader and rifle) who lives in Virginia, but who hunts big woods in Maine and Nova Scotia, I prefer to still hunt and track bucks like the Benoits of Vermont do (I have all of their videos and books) …. but I do a lot of “stump sitting” too, since this is the most productive way to tag a good buck. I am far from being an accomplished deer hunter, let alone big buck hunter, like you or the Benoits, however … but I am trying to learn as much as I can about the crafty and elusive mature whitetail buck. The chase is what I live for in deer hunting …. and with each passing year the passion burns hotter and hotter (I’m a 48 years old guy who wasn’t able to hunt while in the US Navy for 22 years – but have tried to make up with it since I retired in 2000).
I first learned of you a couple years ago via a magazine article you had written. Since then I have kept an eye peeled for anything by or of you, as I have gained a deep admiration and respect for what you do and how well you do it. And my hat is off to you for your willingness to share what you know with “average joe’s” like me!! Thank you very much for being so generous!!
Again, a hearty “well done” for the videos and books!!
P.S. Please convey my thanks to your boys Chris and John for anything and everything they had to do with the videos and books.
Deer John and Chris,
I recently purchased your 3 volumes of instructional deer hunting video’s and was impressed. Up until 2000 I had been hunting whitetails with two teaching buddies. They have moved to southern Minnesota and we no longer hunt in Rum River State Forest. I managed to shoot 4 bucks and 2 does during those great years.
I then met a Mr. Cavenaugh who told me his bow hunting stories and I knew I had to try it. I didn’t see my first deer until about 50 hours of hunting. This year I made some adjustments and had 8 close encounters, several shots and near misses, like my arrow hitting small branches.
I was in a local Mills Fleet Farm browsing the DVD section and saw yours in the bow hunting accessories section. My first thought was, “probably another hunter trying to make a few dollars by selling video’s”. I read the title “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” and thought “that’s exactly my situation over in Hay Creek”. I read the back of the box and thought “this just may be exactly what me and my buddies need to be successful where we hunt”. I bought just the vol. II version, just in case I didn’t like it.
As I watched it I knew I had to go buy the other volumes and the books that were mentioned in the DVD. You were explaining and then showing on your white board exactly what your hunting situation was. Your explanations were BRILLIATLY PRESENTED. Now I know the answer to why did my partner see that buck in the pine forest at 11am on that sunny October day. He was scent checking his core area. I can’t explain enough how AWESOME YOUR VIDEO’s ARE. It has opened up a whole new meaning to me about whitetail hunting. Thanks for making them and I look forward to reading your books.
Sincerely Mr. Hoeppner Wisconsin
11-27-2007 – Hey John,
I just wanted to let you know the Scent Lok suit you suggested has been nothing short of amazing this year!! It’s an answer to many prayers where I have had to hunt for years. It is as if someone flipped the on switch. I have taken 3 deer so far in an area I was only able to take one since 1987. No, I don’t have my big buck yet, but I shaved the brisket on one medium sized one. Should have had 6 deer but I am not perfect. My 40-pound compound is putting them down. Yeah for the sick and disabled hunters!
Also, wanted to tell you my wife found some adhesive body warmers at Target for $1 each. They are Ace brand and look about the same in the pack, but I have not tried them yet. The Grabber’s have been running a bit more and work very well, just a little pricet, as you said. When your freezing, price is no matter.
Hope you are safe, having fun, and successful in the thick brushy woods.
Greg Hanner
8-5-2007 – John and Chris,
I recently got your DVD series and your book “Precision Bowhunting” and I want to thank you for publishing that stuff!! Some of what you talked about I’ve already learned the hard way, but you guys have advanced my whitetail hunting by years.
Once again, thank you
Neil Christopher – Petrolia, Ontario
Hello John,
I have recently purchased the 3 DVD series “Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails” and I was very impressed.
Extremely informative.
Thank you, respectfully Steve Turchin
This letter was sent to Tom Nelson (Host of American Archer) at Wolf Creek Productions studio.
I would like to thank Tom Nelson for his show and especially for introducing the archery community to John Eberhart. I live in southern Indiana in an area where attention to detail is required to take even does. After seeing John on Tom’s American Archer show a couple times I happened to see John’s DVD’s at a nearby MC Sports store. I bought Vol. III and was hooked on his techniques. Most of them I had been using for years, however his confidence in carbon suits coupled with his credibility will lead me to add that to my already fanatic scent control arsenal.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when John took Tom through one of his new hunting spots to set up a location. Tom was reaching for a nearby rub that they were discussing and John quickly grabbed his hand to keep him from touching it!! Tom said he wasn’t going to touch it, but it sure looked like he was. But hey, at least Tom showed it and could probably laugh at it himself afterwards. That short segment told me a lot about Tom as well and how he wants his shows to be real. That took some courage to air and I salute Tom for that.
Anyways, thanks Tom for some good shows and for John’s tips. If you have John’s diligence in your hunting style and take it to your world class hunting spots, your shows are going to be even more incredible.
Thank you Greg Hanner
Tom Nelsons reply to Greg Hanner’s letter
Hi Greg, thanks for the positive comments regarding the show, I truly appreciate that. John Eberhart is perhaps the most detail-oriented bowhunter I have ever encountered. Because of this he has been highly successful in his pursuit of trophy bucks in pressured areas. He is also a good all around guy who is only too happy to share his knowledge with others.
Thanks for watching THE AMERICAN ARCHER. Regards, Tom Nelson
While the line of instruction drags at points, the producer/director is thorough regarding the variety of products shown and demonstrated. The descriptions fairly and equally spell out the pros and cons of the equipment and accessories shown and demonstrated. They do not play favorites.
The teaching portion of shooting is as good as any demonstration live or recorded I have ever seen. If you follow the demonstration provided on this DVD, you will have a lifetime sport you will really enjoy!
Watch it in small portions and you will learn a great deal about archery and archery equipment.
Reviewer did not give name
Make sure you buy this DVD and watch it before you spend $100’s of dollars on a bow and equipment. This DVD spells out very clearly how to go about choosing not only a bow but all of the basic equipment you will need & how to set it up. There is a really informative 15 minute section on shooting for beginners which I found invaluable. The narration is clear and concise as well as being easy to follow.
Dave Dawber
Calgary Canada