
Take years off your learning curve by gaining the knowledge to bag those BIG BUCKS no matter where you hunt or may go hunting!


Introducing a new hunting book titled “Ultimate Guide to DIY Bucks”! This 3 volume book series by long time whitetail hunters John Eberhart and Greg Godfry lays a solid foundation for what is required to become a successful mature buck hunter no matter your choice of weapons or type of land you hunt.

Any experienced deer hunter can testify to the frustrations of hunting pressured deer and picking up where ordinary hunting manuals leave off, Ultimate Guide to DIY Bucks 3 volume book series leaves no stone unturned in covering every topic in detail on what you need to know to take mature bucks in areas where hunting pressure has increased their wariness and ability to evade hunters.

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– Eberhart’s Whitetail Workshop

2024 Whitetail Workshop dates: March 23/24-2024, April 6/7-2024, and April 20/21-2024    

What is an “Eberhart’s Whitetail Workshop” 2 day (1 day in-field/1 day seminar class) event about? 


Eberhart’s Whitetail Workshops are NOT land management workshops, they are teaching workshops for hunters with the desire to put themselves on trophy bucks whether hunting public, knock-on-doors for free permission, family owned, leased, managed or manipulated properties, or even if travel hunting to other states. They are designed to provide you with the knowledge and insights to make you a serious threat to any buck you pursue, no matter the location.

Why John Eberhart for a workshop or to scout a property? In 57 seasons John’s scouted and hunted 19 parcels of public land and many dozens of knock-on-doors for free permission properties in Michigan (most heavily bow hunted state in the country with 350,000 + bowhunters). 35 of the buck’s John’s taken in Michigan are listed in the Commemorative Bucks of Michigan record book and they were taken off 21 different properties in 11 different counties. He’s also taken bucks from 15 of the 19 different parcels of public land he’s hunted in Michigan including a state record in 1981.

In 1991 John quit gun hunting and in 1997 began bowhunting out-of-state during Michigan’s gun season and to date has taken 20 P&Y bucks on his 25 week long trips and they came from 15 different properties in 5 different states (Missouri, Ohio, Kansas, Iowa and Illinois). Knowing what to look for when scouting and how to set up on it and hunt it correctly obviously had a lot to do with his 80 percent success rate on properties he’d never set foot on prior to the weeks he went hunting (no pre-scouting trips). Other than one late season trip to Ohio, he could have taken a P&Y buck on every trip had his criteria for the trip been a 125 inch buck.

There are thousands of hunters in the United States that have taken many record class bucks nowadays with the advent of mandated APR areas, archery only public lands, pay to hunt ranches, managed for big buck properties being so prevalent, and residing in lightly hunted Midwestern states or areas where mature bucks are plentiful. While that’s great if you’re fortunate enough to have the money or some of those other great opportunities, most hunters don’t.

What separates John’s accomplishment of having taken 55 record book bucks (35 from Michigan and 20 from out-of-state) from 36 different properties, from any other whitetail bow hunter in the country is that 100% of his hunting has exclusively been on public, free walk-on, cold calling for free permission, and knocking-on-doors for free permission properties. He’s never owned, leased, hunted a managed property, hunted a relative’s property, or paid a dime to hunt anywhere and doesn’t hunt over bait, mineral licks, or food plots.

Some hunters have spent tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on hunting property and most hunters annually spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on; upgrading their hunting equipment, buying new gadgets, bait, planting food plots, quads, multiple tree stands, etc. with the thought process that it will make them more successful, and that can’t be farther from the truth. Having the best equipment money can buy is irrelevant if your hunting methods and strategies don’t offer you the opportunity to take advantage of them.

Scouting, location preparation, practicing, hunting and traveling to hunt all consume much of the limited free time many hunters have, especially those with kids and families. Free time has value and utilizing it to its fullest potential should always be the goal, so take advantage of John’s 54 years of experience and kill credentials by allowing him to show and describe in detail how to utilize your time and limited funds to their fullest potential.

There’s an old saying that’s very true, “it’s not the bow, it’s the Indian” and John wants you to become the Indian.

Whether hunting public or private, spending a lot of time on stand in locations not well-suited for daytime mature buck activity should never be an acceptable strategy or plan. Make this one time investment to assure you’re hunting in the right types of locations for daytime mature buck activity, their prepared properly, you’re hunting them at the right times of season and time of day,  you’re entering and exiting them properly and your scent control regimen allows you to disregard wind direction forever. After all doesn’t it get a bit old taking nice motion pictures of good bucks on your property and not being able to kill them.

Begin utilizing your hunting and scouting time to its fullest potential by attending one of John’s Whitetail Workshops.

At the end of each Saturday in-field workshop (around 4:30 pm), for those that want to stick around there will be at least a 2 hour session on how to properly prepare a tree to hunt from a saddle. John and his sons Jon and Joe will have their saddles and between them they have 111 seasons of saddle hunting experience.  In fact of John’s 55 book bucks, 49 of them were taken from a saddle plus numerous other bucks and does. Nearly all John’s son Jon’s nearly 300 whitetail kills were also taken from a saddle.

At the saddle demo there will be Tethrd’s Phantom, Phantom XL, Lockdown, and Predator and Predator XL platforms for anyone to try along with Tethrd’s One Sticks and Skeletor sticks with aiders, and Bullman and Treehopper strap-on rings of steps and all of Cranford’s screw in steps.

There will be 3 different tree’s set up (only a couple feet off the ground and all close to each other) with one using all strap on steps and climbing sticks, one using a Predator platform in conjunction with strap on steps on the back side, and the other using all screw in steps. We decided to do this additional saddle portion because there are so many YouTube instructional video’s out there where the hunter either doesn’t know what they are doing, or they are only taking advantage of a portion of the features and opportunities that hunting from a saddle offers. Using a saddle is simple and you don’t have to be a gymnast to do so. A saddle is simply a tool that anyone of any age can easily use to up their kill percentage big time, if they use it properly.

-Click on Whitetail Workshop link below for more detailed information of what’s covered at the workshops and the costs to attend.


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